Monday, July 20, 2009

An end in sight...

Ok, so this is my first post. I guess we'll see if I do it correctly.

So for now Chris, Christopher, and I are continuing to wait for the newest addition to our family. There is an end in sight, as Chris likes to put it. If this baby does not come on its own before Thursday (July 23), I will be admitted to the hospital for an induction at 5:30 am on Thursday. Please keep us in your prayers!

Oh, as an update to Chris' previous post, he has been very patient in his waiting these last couple of weeks. Well, at least he has not been telling me every day that today would be a good day to have a baby. Thank you Chris!


  1. Praying for a smooth and healthy delivery this week. Can't wait to the meet the new member of the family!

  2. We're anxiously waiting to hear about the arrival!
